Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I love Alyse, she shared her patient with me for the afternoon!!! She qualified and I only missed one spot that I really couldn't seem to get off when I tried to scale it off. I guess I should've used my perio files or something but I started thinking it was the tooth that was making it rough. I got injections and I think today went well. I'm just glad that I got the experience and I passed :) I only missed one spot of calculus and didn't have any paperwork errors this time around so I got a 94%. Yay.


Kami said...

That is very kind that Alyse and the patient were willing to work with you. I am glad that this worked out. How did you do on your mockboard?

Anonymous said...

you lower my self esteem every day! lol j/k... but really, you always do so good with your calculus removal... i'm jealous. keep up the good work.... we'll all have our board patients soon! ;o)