Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Today was kinda a weird CA day because we only had 4 clinicians show up at the VA today and me the CA, so when all five patients showed up in the morning and in the afternoon at the same time it was chaos. One patient in the morning forgot his premed and so he was ok because we had to wait an hour to see him anyways, but the afternoon patient I had to see because the other students all had patients and we didn't think it fair to make him wait til another patient was done, but it worked out, I just had extra work to do, and it was just an interesting and not too boring day.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Today has been a good day so far. I have at least got all of my class 3 exams done so I don't have to worry too much about that. All of them were at the VA so I am going to have to talk to professor Alexander about that. I'm just relieved that I'm almost done and I still don't need nine more like I did yesterday. I got four yesterday at the VA that took me about 3 hours to complete. It was a long day but well needed and today I have 2 quads so far so that will be good. It's kinda frustrating that the class 3 quads get to transfer over because I still need class 3 patients and now no one wants to give up their patients.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


my patient had to be rescheduled yet again. The thing that made me really sad was that she did have her doctor's consult, it just wasn't clear enough for what the clinic would like. I took her glucose again and it was higher than last time at a whopping 313. I was just hoping for her as a class 3 patient, but we'll see if I can get ahold of her physician and get her scheduled back before the end of the semester so I can finish my 9 class 3 quads that I have left.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

bad day

Today I got to watch my patient get a tooth extracted in my chair. It was so infected that I gave him three injections and Dr. Hopkins tried to give him some but he still wasn't too numb. The patient was however very dramatic. He would not let me get him numb but flinched with every tooth I scaled. I have never felt so worthless with my skills as a DH as I did today. I missed stuff on every tooth and it was just terrible I came away feeling that I have failed even though technically since we had to get his tooth extracted, I didn't even finish a quad. I guess I just will definately need instructor assistance when this patient returns since I can't do it myself.