Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Screening Day

Today I am doing three screenings...My first patient was a class 2 but didn't have enough calculus and the kind she had was too light. It's getting frustrating trying to find a board and mock board patient because basically that's all i have left to do. I'm just hoping that eventually I will find one so I can relax slightly.
One of the hardest things has been trying to find a patient to screen and even by going through charts, I have not been so lucky as to find someone who wants to come in still.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Missing Calculus

Today I missed four spots of calculus because my instruments were dull (at least my graceys were). I think I need to sharpen them after every perio patient because today I saw my class 3 patient in both the morning and night and I should've sharpened my instruments in between when he came in I think because I missed spots because they were dull. I think I need to remind myself to sharpen my instruments everyday before my patients get here so I won't have this problem again.