Tuesday, February 10, 2009

good patient

Today I found a class four patient but he was so late that I didn't scale any teeth I only took xrays and did OHI and stuff. I think it is so sad that we wish for our patients to have terrible teeth. I think most of us are at the point in the semester where we are wishing for class 4 patients or else board patients and it's sorta sad.
Anyways this guy had the most calculus out of anyone I've seen and it was so hard to probe just because I would keep hitting calculus and couldn't get down in the pockets for some of his teeth. Maybe we should probe after we scale... but I doubt that would be appropriate.

1 comment:

tiffers said...

Yeah for class 4's. My class 4 pt. I couldn't probe the lower anteriors and had to do it after because I couldn't get in between the teeth at all. I feel kind of bad wishing for perio, but what else are you supposed to do.....