Monday, February 11, 2008

class 3

My patient today was kinda frustrating. They showed up late and left early so I tried to do their UR and LR but I missed like eight spots because I only had 45 min to do her and so all of a sudden I look up at the clock and it's time for her to leave. The calculus was harder to feel on their teeth. Sometimes I don't really know how to feel the difference between a rough tooth and if their is really calculus there. I even tried to scale it off for awhile and the rough spot I missed wasn't a rough spot it was calculus. I think next time it will be easier because I explained to her that I won't be able to get done next time if she can't come on time and stay the entire appointment block, but we'll see.

1 comment:

The Pyper's! said...

I hate when they have to "leave" early!! What the heck? How are we supposed to finish anyone?? High five on a Class III though!